Dentist appointment

Today. Some time around 11 am. I don’t want to go. I vaguely remember the dentist remarking that the tree little places were small and he didn’t think I need Novocain. He asked if I’d be comfortable being in the chair about 90 minutes and I answered “Yeah” because I wanted to get out of the office then.

Oh, auuuggggghhhhhhhh.

But, yes, I’m glad I have my own teeth and that they seem to be fairly strong, genetically speaking. So I will go . . . but I won’t like it. I’ll be wearing my inner five year old face of displeasure under my barely passable neutral adult expression. I thought about sending Rose in my place, but she has gone to Ohio for some R&R. Come to think of it, I have never actually seen Rose’s teeth. Let me imagine her with teeth . . .

Nope, can’t do it. And as much as I am tempted, I won’t photoshop them in. I mean that would really piss her off. Ack, I said “piss”.


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