Scizzor Worx back to school haircut sale in Kendallville

Long title of the post, but today I had my hair done and

colored at Scizzor Worx. She me above? Yes, that is really me, AmeliaJake.

Donna (See Below)

Ah, where was I? Oh, yes, Donna (See Above) cut it and colored it for me.

And while we were talking about school and people at my house – especially the girl – who is getting ready for the first day, she mentioned they are having a back-to-school sale on haircuts.

This is great because I know a girl in junior high or high school doesn’t want to look uncool when opening day comes. I have fine and really straight hair and Donna did this with it. Gives me a confidence, dontcha know? Makes a believer out of you, no?

I’m thinking “Hey, where was she when I was in school?” Well, okay, I guess she was in grade school; but lucky for today’s kids she grew up and has a shop. She’s not the only one at Scizzor Worx who can bring out the best on your head, either. They have a site on Facebook – Scizzor Worx – and you can meet the stylists and view all sales.

School may try to put the best in your head, but like I said, Scizzor Worx can put the best on it.

FYI: No scissors have been endangered by being part of Scizzor Worx.

2 thoughts on “Scizzor Worx back to school haircut sale in Kendallville”

  1. I like it. I hope Scizzor Works is affordable, haircuts are outrageous here. I had to change places because they were asking over $55 for a haircut at my old place. I mean really, a snip snip here and there and I’m good…. nothing fancy. So I came out in the country to a little shop where she does a fine job and I spend $18. I’m happy.

    You look great.

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