Living out of bags

Right now I could use a shower . . . and I will get one pretty soon. But right now I am just sitting here with my traveling bags in front of me. Going back and forth between here and Mother’s has evolved into “bag living”. I started by throwing a few necessities into the big Land’s End monogrammed tote bag I gave her one year for Christmas. Then that it got so full it was impenetrable. So I divided stuff into two bags. Then I progressed to two bags and small plastic compartmentalized organizer with a handle. It seemed like a good idea so I got another one to but all my cords and batteries for cameras and computers and phones.

This, of course, involves more than one trip from car to house and back again. So, I prioritized as to what needed to come in first  and what could wait in the car. Oh, I forgot to mention I usually bring a cooler with ice in it. Of course, that needs to come into the cooler house – to not sit in a hot car. And the electronics . . . that has to come in.

The crucial contents are my medicine and the small Estee Lauder cosmetic bag adapted to carry every key Mother had.  Never, never, forget the key bag – which is supposed to stay at all times in the Land’s End bag.

By the way, I keep a suitcase in my trunk and often gas cans to be filled in route.

I am a vagabond.

But what really gets me is when I am trapped into the “feeling in the bottom of the bag” maneuver. Yes, some things inevitably filter to the bottom and I have to fish for them . . . hoping I won’t have to turn the bag upside down. This morning I popped a pill out of it’s foil and bubble container and it hopped down into the depths. I heard it.  It took a lot of effort and tilting to retrieve that little pill from bottom of that big bag. Guess what it is for? Yeah, blood pressure.

3 thoughts on “Living out of bags”

  1. Does it just make you want for the days of cold, snow delays and ice so you aren’t running back and forth mowing and keeping up the place? Oh wait, you’d be checking on pipes and stuff like that wouldn’t you….. I think your bottomless bag could become a bottomless pit you could fall into if you weren’t careful.

    I have five days until we leave for Russia. I am SO not motivated. Excited about going but no energy at all to get ready to go. Plus I’m eating everything in sight. I could get all psychological about it but it’s easier to just say I don’t care right now. :/

    You can come swim in my pool any day. Or just float around and be lazy in my pool. No need to expend energy.

  2. I don’t know really, but maybe in the middle of the pendulum swing of this back and forth living I am finding – or perhaps coming to recognize – more of myself.

  3. I think eccentricity is something to be attained in my life, at least it’s a goal of mine. Actually, all jesting aside, I do believe that as I age I become more who I really am. Some parts surprise me.

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