Dumpster in the driveway

Out by the hedge is a large dumpster which needs to be filled in the next couple of days before they come to pick it up. Unfortunately, most of the things to go in it are either one floor up or one floor down from ground level. And, then, of course, it the rule about no toxic stuff or old appliances. Rats. I need a truck that comes along slowly and picks up old microwaves and computers for a small fee; I don’t want to wrestle one of those things into a sedan and drive it to a recycling center because of the loading factor.

So, for now, clutter is going into the dumpster and the garage has a stack of toxic/old appliances. I have a lot of special things lying around which others see as clutter so I can’t run around telling everybody to grab something and head to the dumpster. I think I am going to have to be like Snidely Whiplash and sneak around and take other people’s clutter to the dumpster.  I will have to practice saying “Gee, I haven’t seen that lately” a lot.

I would like to have a tilt-a-room into which I could put throw away stuff and them let it tilt toward the dumpster. I could stand somewhere and film the avalanche of junk heading into the big brown receptacle. I can spend upwards of 15 minutes daydreaming about my tilt-a-room. I can spend 25 minutes maybe walking around looking at my stuff before picking up a ballpoint pen that doesn’t work and deciding I can toss it. Soooo, I guess it is less the effort of getting stuff to the trash than it is the deciding to let it go.

I am not a hoarder; I am a potential hoarder. I think that is because I can see a story in everything. Maybe they should duct tape me to the wall and duct tape my mouth closed and then just go fill the dumpster.

I had my hair colored yesterday and spent some minutes looking at the magazine Traditional Home. There is no “stuff” anywhere. Course I didn’t see any people either. Oh, yeah, they were probably outside pulling stuff OUT of the dumpster.

So, why did I get a dumpster for the driveway? For a moment did I think I had a bit of a chance of being like magazine people? Or even the basic housewife person? I would be bored to death in those rooms! I’ll bet it was an act of charity – I felt the need to provide dumpster-divers with new territory. Yes, I’m not throwing out trash; I’m filling it with someone else’s treasures.

I hate it when I manipulate myself, but sometimes it’s the only way, dontcha know.

One thought on “Dumpster in the driveway”

  1. I watched a show once about photo shoots for home decorating magazines. Seems that those folks with those perfect homes don’t actually live in them like that. One woman was dismayed that the day of the photo shoot the magazine came in, swept everything out of their home except their basic furniture and then brought in all the nifty little knick knacks, the perfect pictures, the amazing arrangments. They said they didn’t even recognize their home. Took the pictures then hauled all their stuff out, brought back in the family stuff. So I guess it isn’t all as perfect as it seems.

    I need a dumpster. I think right now it’s called a garage.

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