How bad it’s become

Ah, the Peanut Butter Cafe & Roadhouse sorely needs some attention. Look at what has happened to California LemonHead:

One spike missing on her head; her Lucky the Bear Pendant fallen off; her bloomers fallen down and the only resting place she can find is Sydney’s rear quarters. PLUS, just this weekend, I had to sew her wings back on.

She just said, “Speaking of rear quarters, AJ, you’d better get yours in gear.” She didn’t say it too nicely. (Oh, that’s Rose’s dress down there under her bloomerless legs. I guess we might have a bit of a state of emergency here.)

The last day in June

I remember just yesterday it was the first day in June and I was thinking of my sophomore English teacher and the memorization of “What is so rare as a day in June . . .” She was probably younger than I am now and we thought she was old. Probably very nice- looking in her day, but we didn’t think of that then. I do remember she told a story about cracking a rib when her hand slipped on the side of the bathtub while giving her cocker spaniel a bath. Maybe, that was a big lesson: Stories are the little things of life, described in a way that draw you in as if you were there.

And we are past the longest day of the year, which is actually not my favorite day; my favorites are those three weeks leading up to the longest day. I love having the light around late . . . but not because of Daylight Savings Time late in Indiana. Can’t forget that. Although “that boy” Mitch Daniels decided to annoy the H out of my mother by making us observe it. The Bully.

Mother said she couldn’t die because she had to vote against “that boy” because of this; I didn’t have the heart to tell her I didn’t think he could run again. We sent emails, but “that boy” just sent back a generic email that our email was received via a wet behind the ears  staffling – a form letter email. Auuugggghhhh.

She was about 80 when this fast time thing got stirred up again. 80. Her whole life in Indiana. Her parents’ lives on the Indiana-Michigan border. Why, her mother graduated from Lima High School (Howe) in 1900. The Depression, WW II . . . and Governor Daniels couldn’t respond to her. Oh, fie on him. FIE. FIE. FIE.

Of course, I’ve touched this subject before. It’s sort of like a boomerang.

I have a dumpster in my driveway that needs filling so I’d better get busy . . . I guess the “My Man Mitch” sign can go. (Oh, was that the echo of the boomerang?)