
I got a new comment on an old post referring to Ree Drummond, Pioneer Woman; one that mentioned how much effort she has put into her blog. Yes, there is a lot of time and work involved in it; I have wondered if maybe she wishes it were not so successful, that it has not become such a job. Letting my mind wander, I came to think there is a lot of money involved and good publicity and it occurs to me that this business could be very important if Mad Cow Disease shut down the Oklahoma cattle market for awhile. I know the Drummonds are smart businessmen and you don’t want to put all your eggs in one basket and they don’t; this blog revenue can’t hurt . . . and the blog’s public relations fallout for the  rancher business has got to be priceless.

One thought on “Wondering”

  1. The fact that Ree was a marketing major in college probably doesn’t help but I swear, everything that woman touches turns to gold…. and that’s just personally annoying to me. Well no, not really but I do find her rather narcissistic and that bugs me. So I go and read her for a while then take a break, then go back. Something about a dog and vomit comes to mind…. I know, too much info….

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