Me and my electric mower

Ah, well, it took quite a long time to mow a relatively small area – the cord, dontcha know. I used this mower because the yard was starting to look like a bunch of bumps and hollows, something like a green case of measles.  I’ll be using a gas mower from now on – except for the areas where delicate new grass is coming up. One cool thing about the electric mower is you don’t have to worry about restarting after cutting the motor. It is just like a light switch. It took me a while to grasp this, but once I had I needed to fight the urge to just indulge in a period of “It’s off; it’s on.”

So now I am thinking of becoming a super lawn Nazi so I can have grass like a golf course green and the little mower will just putt along without fear of moles or random little sticks. Already this year, I have screamed, “No! Don’t  you think of moving that car on my new grass!”

I think I need to thatch. Perhaps I am becoming obsessed? Heaven help me if I take a hankering to the super trimmer at Mother’s, not to mention the chainsaw. All of a sudden I had a vision of myself riding my scooter with a chainsaw on my back.

I think it would be a wise idea to let my imagination go to idle and just tune in to Breaking Bad. Oh, wait a minute . . . I sense something awry with this plan.

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