Beyond the box

Today I was walking down the frozen food aisle at the grocery when I noticed a sale of quick microwave little meals. I am so partial to meatloaf and there was Michelina’s face and the suggestion, “Let Mama feed you” and I succumbed.

I took it one home and followed the directions to open a corner of the lid. So I tore the box open and looked for the saran wrap type covering I expected to find on the usual little blackish microwave dish. Aha, there was a surprise – no saran wrap stuff, no dish. I saw a frozen thin slab, so I picked it up in disbelief and leaned it against the box and photographed it.

Now you may be wondering how I got such an intact picture of the box when I had no idea of taking one until I had seen the slab inside. Well, guess what? I bought two. Auuuuugggggghhhhhhh.

3 thoughts on “Beyond the box”

  1. Okay, that’s just odd. Were they both containerless? I mean seriously, where was it? Did the instructions say it was going to be there? Were you supposed to eat it off the cardboard?

    Now I’m tempted to go buy one to just see how it tastes…. I know, I’m odd.

  2. Both boxes had just a slab of frozen food inside. I put it on the floor and the dog ate it out of the container. In all fairness, I tasted it and it wasn’t awful.

  3. OK I had to see for myself… I bought one. Cooked it in the box, threw the meatloaf away and ate the box. What it lacked in flavor, it makes up for in fiber.. burp

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