A dark house

I have always taken it for granted that a house would be dark at night, but many times in the past years since younger generations have been living with me, lights have often been left on. I don’t like to wake up to a house and find lights brightly burning, but that has often been the case. Lately, though, there has been a trend toward the house being darkened at night  . . .  and it feels so peaceful. Of course, I am not sitting here in the dark; I am sitting in a puddle of light because in the Peanut Butter Cafe & Roadhouse we like the shank of the evening to have a glow on.

UPDATE: Uh, this isn’t a true update; I started out to talk about Summer and I having a competitive weight loss campaign but somehow it slipped to the back of my mind. So here it is: Summer and I are writing our weights down every morning for a month. She is waiting on me so I won’t expend any more calories than I absolutely have to. This could get interesting.