Remember my shingles?

Last year just at Christmastime, I developed shingles, otherwise known as “let me find a place I can sit/lie and drop off to sleep” during an eye blink. Well, this year’s adventure is that herpes virus is in my right eye. Of course, I’ve had lazy eye since forever . . . and it is my left eye that is lazy. My right one, oh, correction: My right RED one is the dominant one, the one that calls the shots. It is my umpire eye. Now it hurts a little – sort of like a huge mote is in it.

Maybe one day when I was giving someone “the look” as my daughter-in-law calls it, a mirror got in the way.

One thought on “Remember my shingles?”

  1. Now this was quite a post to start off the day. I now have a picture of the witch from Snow White in my mind. Very sweet looking little witch with this bugged eye look, although I understand that you are more of a cyclops type look, but hey, the mind goes where it will this early in the morning. It’s the second post about eyes that I’ve read this morning. Seems my grandkids have pinkeye …… I’m avoiding you folks.

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