I missed a little cow

This Halloween I made it clear other people could hand out the candy and answer the doorbell and do scary things; I settled down on a sofa in front of a TV . . . and maybe I dozed. I know at one point Summer came in to find one of those miner-type lights you wear on your head so she wouldn’t kill herself lurking in the bushes dressed in her grandpa’s jacket and a stocking knit cap to give her the appearance of a homeless gangsta. I wondered about the headlamp, wondered if she wouldn’t look more like a locomotive lurking in the bushes, but you can’t tell her anything.

Der Bingle poked his head in occasionally to remark on the goings-on and when the last two little costumed pre-schoolers showed up just at the ending of the Trick or Treat period, he told them, “You win the grand prize” and put a double handful in each bag.

Later he told me about the little person in the cow suit. He may have told me when I had enough time to take a picture. But I just didn’t go look at all. That was a waste of my “potential good times in life” time. I need to not do that again.

I hope the little cow enjoyed the candy . . . and, gee, I hope she didn’t try the chewing the cud technique. Oh, AmeliaJake, only you would think of that. That’s disgusting . . .  but maybe it means you’re getting back to yourself. That may or may not be a good thing. But I have to admit I have the urge to go find some family member who has annoyed me and wipe the floor with them with my razor tongue and uncanny talent for knowing just where to aim the needle.

Ack. This may be the scariest part of this Halloween.