The good side of dandelions??

Oh my goodness, oh my goodness, oh my goodness . . . where is the Dandelion Wine? Look at this article from which I am extracting this paragraph as a teaser.

Throughout history, dandelions have had a reputation as being effective in promoting weight loss and laboratory research indicates that there is some support for this reputation. Controlled tests on laboratory mice and rats by the same Romanians indicated that a loss of up to 30% of body weight in 30 days was possible when the animals were fed dandelion extract with their food. Those on grass extract lost much less. The control group on plain water actually gained weight.

(For right now I need to keep a lid on this for fear the patrons at the Peanut Butter Cafe & Roadhouse will be demanding Dandelion garnish for their foldovers.)

Grandma got up early enough

The house was sleeping – everything as quiet as a mouse – and I, AmeliaJake the Great and Wonderful Grandma of Limitless Talents, awoke in plenty of time to get Summer to the school for the bus to Cedar Point.

See, she is smiling


as she zips herself into my treasured Pacific Beach windbreaker.

It is supposed to be chilly and rainy there with a possibility of thunderstorms. I think, however, she is going for the “I’m on my own” feeling more than the rides. Last year, we looked up all the ride videos on the Cedar Point site and rode the virtual front seat . . . and oooohed and ahhhhed and fake screamed. This year that was old, dontcha know. She’s a veteran.