Mr. Chips and my breaking point

I have watched Goodbye, Mr. Chips with Peter O’Toole several times, but I can’t make it through the movie anymore. Usually I avoid it because it makes me feel so sad, but today I saw it listed and as I flipped through the channels there he was in the theater in Pompei. Eating his egg sandwich.

The sun is shining here and I thought why not? Well, I had to turn it off when it came to the part where he is passed over for the headmaster position because of that dreadful Lord Sutterwick. Almost in tears.

LZP and the double secret video

Yes, LZP**, has sent a video of a bear in the woods. No, no, no . . . don’t panic. It’s not THAT.


He says to make sure you have the sound up. If you’re in a library, you might want to ignore that suggestion.

**LZP has sent a little self-commentary. He emailed a picture of a brain:


And he he emailed a picture of a brain on drugs. Want to see that picture?  Look HERE. Well, they both look yellow, but LZP can’t be yellow – you have to be really brave to wear a B-suit out in public.

Some things aren’t good to imagine

I like to see nice places and landscapes in movies and look at the people in  them and sometimes I will  imagine myself being in that setting. Then the other day I VISUALLY put myself in the sophisticated atmosphere of a movie and . . . I cringed.  It was like seeing a gnome among the movie star people. Thing is, I kept doing it – driven by some perverse compulsion. A gnome at a ball; a gnome as a socialite in New York; a gnome at a fancy hotel pool; a gnome on a sailboat.

I didn’t tell anybody – I didn’t want them imagining me in a movie scene and guffawing and snickering.

But then, this morning I opened my email and found one from Estee Lauder, one that announced – now brace yourself – Be a Bronze Goddess. This picture was included:


I suddenly saw my picture – my face – and, believe me, the effect was not the same.

A quote from Gitmo

I don’t usually make political comments here, but I really wanted to cite this article containing this quote:

Five Guantanamo prisoners accused in the September 11, 2001, terror attacks on the U.S. staunchly defended their actions, calling the operation “blessed” and “great” and the accusations against them “badges of honor.”

Our religion is a religion of fear and terror to the enemies of God: the Jews, Christians and pagans. With God’s willing, we are terrorists to the bone.”

“Your end is very near and your fall will be just as the fall of the towers on the blessed 9/11 day,” the court filing said.

Now, I know some people are upset about the alleged treatment of suspected terrorists operating in the name of Islam who have been detained. I think those people need to keep this quoted philosophy in mind.

Not a diet – the means to an end

I have posted my weight in the dining room and whe I have lost 35 pounds, I am going to California, come Hell or High Water. I suppose I have lots of time to make plans, but when I think of eating extra food, unnecessary food, I am going to look at this place and think of California and I hope that will work.

I could strive to be a better person, but I opted for California.

UPDATE: Okay, maybe I was a little rash . . . but I’m sticking to the deal.

Not your grandpa’s farming

One of my grandfathers was a farmer; he was born in 1877 and before he farmed a small place in Indiana, he travelled with a threshing crew. Somewhere there is a picture, which I need to scan into the computer, is of him on top of that machine with the crew gathered around it. Strangely enough, he was wearing a fedora.

One of my husband’s grandfathers was a farmer in Cathage, Illinois; he was  born in 1893. I remember him well. Tall, lanky, with a limp and a Will Rodgers look to him, he would come into the kitchen at lunchtime, hang his hat by his wife’s and ask me with a wry grin, “Do you think they’ll fight?” That first lunch, he poured my iced tea and said, “Say when . . . say when . . . say when; finally, I undersood and yelled “When” and he chuckled.

LZP found this picture of them on their wedding day and I’ve posted it once before, but it is worth posting again – Lydia Akers and William A. Vance:

So what got me thinking about farming? Well, it was LZP himself who sent me these photos of some FUI incidents (Farming Under the Influence). He asked this question: What would Grandpa have thought?








Grover’s saga


Dear, lovable, furry, old Grover has moved to Ohio with Der Bingle. The decision was made when Summer tossed him up into the space formed by two bookcases meeting in a corner. Using a coat hanger, we were able to snag (no pun intended) and slide him up and eventually out. After the first failed attempt, we saw blue fur on the tip of the hanger. It was not a pleasant few minutes. He immediately sought sanctuary in the trunk of the Ohio car with Georgia plates, coming inside under guard only to be seen at the local Urgent Care on the porch where his arm was more firmly secured.

This picture came via phone mail Sunday afternoon and was titled “Grover at Rest”  –  I don’t know but that sounds a little funereal to me so we are calling it Grover Relaxing.

What Summer will do now is unknown . . . but probably worth being concerned about. We advise all Sesame Street buds to avoid the sidewalk out front for a while.

Logan’s Roadhouse

First of all, I don’t usually put specific names in post titles, but I have a reason. If the company checks through blogs to see mention of their establishment, I wanted to point this out: I don’t like the new menu. The Roadhouse Burger is gone, for one thing. I had an “Old-fashioned Cheeseburger” which tasted okay,  but in terms of verbally-induced happy and party ambiance, was totally lacking.

But now, a few pictures.




*Gee, these kids look nothing like Der Bingle and me. Oh, but Summer wore a sweatshirt with our last name on the back. We tell her to back away from trouble. And Summer and I do have similar personalities – after all, we formed the Mean Girls Ice Cream Eating Club.


Looking at picture mail

Be afraid; be very afraid. There I was, watching Nicole Kidman in “Australia” when I heard the little notifying ring telling me I had a message. I figured it was Der Bingle sending me a photo of some scene or product he had come across. No, it was Lonzopalooza with a photo of his Halloween costume for this year. Yes, Halloween. Yes, the one in October. The one a few days before Daylight Savings Time ends – remember it is just beginning today. He likes to be prepared.

LZP  is  very, very bright and one of our personal heroes . . . and this Halloween he is going to be a banana. Between now and then we will try to get a better picture . . . I’m sure you will find him appealing.

First the washed out one from the camera in the phone and then the “enhanced” one:



Oh, dear, don’t some people put bananas on their peanut butter foldovers?