November 5, 2008

Indiana . . . what happened? My red state is blue? Well, in more than the color on the map. A lot of us are pretty blue this morning.

But then, we at the PBC&R are remembering a special warrior who quoted in 1976 another warrior:

I will lay me down and bleed a while
Though I am wounded, I am not slain
I shall rise and fight again.

So, let us get on with it . . .

2 thoughts on “November 5, 2008”

  1. Although my state went red, pretty much a given, it was much closer than expected AND my county went blue. Not a shock of course since it’s mostly urban, but seriously folks…. some REALLY good conservative judges who were for the crime victims not the perpetrators were voted out because of the blind straight party voters. I’m afraid that the national race has hurt us on a local level more than many folks realize.

    Like I said previously, why is it so hot in here and why are we all crammed in this handbasket. 🙂 Feeling that way double today.

    But like you said, let’s get on with it.

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