Glad I didn’t die last night

I didn’t turn my computer off last night; I left it sleeping on a shelf. I hadn’t looked at the screen in a while before I set in on that shelf and forgot that Summer had been looking up song lyrics. Had I died last night and had someone opened my laptop to see what I was last thinking about, they would have seen a screen showing lyrics to (cringe, cringe) “I farted on Santa’s lap.” I really hate the verb in that sentence, but nevermind that now.

I looked at the screen and sighed deeply . . . and then I looked at the Google search slot and saw where she had typed in “I farted Santa’s lamp.” Lamp? Santa’s lamp? See, now it was impossible not to tell the folks at the PBC&R . . . only I had to say that word, twice. Auuuugggghhhhhhh!!!!!!!

2 thoughts on “Glad I didn’t die last night”

  1. That is hilarious. You are providing me with great levity this week. Your blog cheers me! I love it.

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