The Grandma Stop

It came to me this moring – that term . . .the grandma stop. I was returning from taking Alison to work at the hospital and Cameron was standing there where the driveway meets the sidewalk. “Can you give me a ride to school?” So he’s delivered now. And I am on the sofa on the porch waiting for Colin to finish his shower and for the time – which is fast approaching – when I must awaken Summer, who has been nicknamed “the angry one”.

I am considering blanket-over-the-head mode for today, but it would be awkward for a number of things. Rainy and a little chilly this morn; about time to break out the DVD of a roaring fire. Hey, a little space heater by my feet and a candle burning and the effect is not bad.

I did it first for a joke, but you know what? It kind of works . . . if you can get past the snickering laughs of certain family members. It’s really pretty effective when there is a real fire going in the den and I can smell it. I need to shut up, don’t I ?

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