Worn out yesterday

Last night I lay down to watch two episodes of the CBS show “24 Hours” and at about 9:15 pm called my mother to check in. She had just put down her book and cuddled up with her blanket and stuck her feet under the cat. As I talked with her I realized I had no idea what the reporters were talking about on the show and it dawned on me that I might – just might – have dropped off in an unscheduled doze.

We hung up and I turned my attention to the TV, blinked, and then found myself thinking that this show seemed more like a drama, than an investigative report. Well, it was – a drama. It was thirty minutes after midnight and I had not been dozing; I had been relying on my autonomic nervous system – breathing and heart beating. My body was in the exact position it was when I hung up with mother. I don’t know, but I think you have to move to be a zombie; I was, I think, a proto-zombie.

I got up, listened to voicemails, took my medicine and then the switch went to the off position again.

This post is boring me. I need caffeine.