L.L. Bean shorts

Yes, I am here, on the porch, on a Sunday morning and the first thing that popped into my mind as I clicked on the “write post” entry was “LLBean shorts” and I have no idea why. They are navy blue with a double bottom, sort of like a double boiler. It’s like pockets in back . . . you could actually put something in them, but if it were anything but a handkerchief sitting down might be uncomfortable. Two enormously deep pockets in front and two cargo patch pockets with flaps lower down. I am set – cell phone, camera, extra camera battery, money, car keys. This is tough material, this LLBean stuff . . . and it dries fast. I could live in these shorts. And since I have two pair, I often do. And you know what? I’ll wash them and throw them over the fence to dry in the sun and breeze. When we lived in Palatine and West Chester that would drive some of my neighbors crazy . . . too low class, dontcha know.

One thought on “L.L. Bean shorts”

  1. I’m actually partial to Eddie Bauer over L.L. Bean shorts. Ripstop fabric that drys in seconds. Very handy in our humidity.

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