Cloverfield on my dvd machine

Aha, I watched a movie filmed in the mode of a portable video and did not puke. My eyes, however, feel a little strained. My grandson came out and said a couple of times, “You feel like you’re right there.” Fortunately, I did not and so was not scared out of my gourd. Although the little things that came from the monster quickened my heart and almost brought me to the “looking away” point.

I don’t know if Cameron will ask me what I thought of the ending or not. I hope not because I have trouble when people apply logic to something that is made up. I will tell him that someone thought up the plot and told it and they reached a point where they stopped. He will ask me again about the ending. I know this. He is not big on my suggestion to just make up his own following scenes.

There is always the Just Woke up from a Monster Nightmare final bit. Oh, wait, that is next to the final bit. The final, final bit is when the person is so thankful it was a dream and you see a big monster eye looking in their high rise apartment window behind them.