To watch TV or not?

About 20 minutes until prime time and I don’t know what I want to do: hunker  down with a book, grab a puzzle, get down on the floor and do some sit-ups, surf the Internet for interesting places, stick a DVD in the machine or make myself throw away one bag of annoying knick-knacks. Did an exercise thing sneak in there? I think it did.

There was a time when I did jumping jacks a lot; at the drop of a hat I would whip off 50 or more. I just wanted to do them, had this urge to do them. Now, I know I should be active, but I am not.  Has my brain’s need for action changed because of chemical changes? Don’t know. Maybe it is age – don’t know that either.

So this is an experiment I’m going to try: Close my eyes and work back a few decades . . . feel like now is then in my mind . . . and see what I feel the urge to do.