Rewriting Shakespeare

The kids in Cameron’s English Lit class are studying Shakespeare – Romeo and Juliet to be specific – and the teacher has broken the class up into twos and threes to read scenes. Or, you can rewrite the scene. Cameron is doing that because his scene has Capulet, the nurse and Juliet. He changed the nurse into a male servant, but, as he says, “I couldn’t do anything about Juliet.”

He has worked very, very hard on this venture, turning our dining room into the setting for the scene – I am to film it.

Since he re-wrote the scene somewhat already he decided to move the action to Vienna and to a more recent time. Then he told me he thought he would include the “Winter of Our Discontent” speech from Richard III and have Juliet speak it to end the scene. He likes that scene, it seems. I said I thought it would be better to just go watch the movie again.

Personally, I would have had Juliet say, “I want to elope . . . someone’s kingdom for a horse.”