Finding The Argyle Sweater online . . .

I wrote about The Argyle Sweater last week after my son Quentin mentioned it to me. You can read what I wrote then HERE if you want, but you don’t have to. At any rate, I was looking for the comic online and going to The Argyle Sweater website didn’t do it for me – the same panel comes up, maybe the last one before Scott Hilburn went to official newspaper syndication or perhaps one of his favorites. It’s good; it’s the pinata one. I wanted more.

Now I did find today’s and the previous panels at one newspaper site, but when I checked the online version of the Chicago Tribune and The Los Angeles Times, I couldn’t find the comics. Maybe they are there, maybe not – perhaps you need a subscription. However, I did track The Argyle Sweater down at this part of uclick. Now, I don’t know if this link will take you to the panel published on the date you are looking . . . although, I guess I will know tomorrow. I suspect it will change with the date, just not betting my dog on it.

Today’s is great – the type of humor where you drop your head and kind of whimper.

I did notice that the target audience is 18-34. I am MUCH older than that; I just thought you should know.

5 thoughts on “Finding The Argyle Sweater online . . .”

  1. I feel much better now. I thought maybe it was just punishment for me personally that I was stuck with a pinata every day. 🙂

  2. Okay, okay… I’m trying to get my website in order. It may be another week or two, but we’re trying to automate my site so that it pulls content from GoComics and I don’t have to manually update it each night like I used to do.

    However, at least for now, there is still a full archive at my site. You might have to go back a month or so on the calendar, but it’s there. Enjoy it now – because I’m probably going to only leave an archive of the past 30 days after I update the site.

    Oh, and AJ – pay no attention to the 18-34 tag. Personally, I don’t have a target audience or demographic. If you like it – YOU are my demographic!

    And thanks again for the kind words!

  3. Comparing any cartoonist to Gary Larsen must be the highest possible compliment. My wife and I miss his whimsical humor and fantastic concepts, but you more than make up for our loss.

    After reading about the latest doom and gloom we always end with the funnies and you are the best of the best every day.

    Many thanks.

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