Westminister Village of the Mid-South

Westminster Village “A Community of Friends, A Great Place to Retire

I used to live there.

Yes, I did. It was in 1973 and 1974 and it was then Blytheville Air Force Base. Later, the name was changed to Eaker. Then in the 90’s it closed and I believe the housing area was unoccupied for an extended period of time. Now it is a retirement community.

Most memorable was the Lawn Police who patrolled on Tuesday and if your lawn wasn’t up to par, issued you some sort of citation. We moved in and went to buy a lawn mower and when we returned, we found the lawn police had left us one of their calling cards. I heard tell that the captain who lived across the street from us and was from Cape Girardeau (Rush Limbaugh territory) ran after the truck, tearing up the ticket and dropping it on the street.

Here is my floor plan from those days: HERE

Although, I think they moved the stove and door location in the kitchen.

I must say that I wonder if any of the people living there now were there when they were in the service.