Red Sox, Yankees, curses and voodoo

First of all, please pay attention to this:

Don’t do this kind of thing in front of people you do not trust or know well, it is frowned upon in many places.

This is a quote from the bottom of the page on this site about making Voodoo Dolls. It is probably good advice. I am not going to show a picture of the New Orleans doll or the Modern doll, but is is much more complicated than I thought. I figured you could just make a stick figure and declare it was So and So and that would do it; apparently I am wrong.

No, the New Orleans doll requires Spanish moss and the voodoo site cautions this: Spanish moss is often infested with red bugs and other small parasites. Inspect it very carefully before handling. Then the Modern doll requires a picture of the complete person transfered onto fabric and stuffed.

According to this site, voodoo dolls are usually used for positive things:

  • Add pins. Voodoo practitioners use dolls primarily for boring positive things like healing people or sparking romance. If you harm your boss out of spite, karma dictates that the consequences for you will be worse. There are seven pins, each one with a different symbol:
    • yellow – success
    • white – positive
    • red – power
    • purple – spirituality
    • green – money
    • blue – love
    • black – repelling negative energy

However, some media have shown them used for nefarious purposes and so some sports injuries or failures to perform maybe be subjected to a VSI. (Voodoo Scene Investigation)

Sore arms on Yankee pitchers might be suspicious.

A bone spur on the heel on a catcher’s hand.

A sudden allergy to the wood used in bats.

Oh, what am I thinking??


Someone is already thinking this at RESTORE THE CURSE. And you can actually put pins in players. . . just watch out for the aforementioned famous “karma”.

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