Mother has her TV converter box

Yes, the coupons came – she says they look like a credit card – and Mother took one of them up to the Wal-Mart in Sturgis, Michigan and purchased a Magnavox model for $49.95 or something like that. (The coupon took that down to $9.95 plus tax.) Since she has 90 days to use them, she is going to check into other manufacturers’ products. But now she has this one and we will be hooking it up . . . just kind of for the heck of it, out of curiosity, if you will. We know it’s a long time until next February, but heck, we don’t want to delay and wind up facing the Christmas Eve Toy Putting Together Syndrome. Now, that’s stress.

I’m grateful that these coupons are available because my mother, child of the Great Depression as she is, might decide to forgo getting a converter box and just do more reading. Not that reading wouldn’t be fine, but I really would like for her to have some way to watch news stories and important happenings . . . such as the attack on the World Trade Center.

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