TV converter box coupons for Mother

This week they should be coming, the coupon cards for my mother to get two converter boxes for her antenna connected sets. I applied for them on January 31st, and according to the schedule, they should be mailed out today or in the next couple of days. Yes, mother lives in a no cable zone. She does not really want to get a satellite dish and she reads a lot anyway. If something really, really big were to happen, she could come down here. As it is, I do her internet searching for her. She likes it that way.

Usually I wait until the last possible moment to meet a cut-off date or deadline, but when it came to Mother and these boxes, I was right on it. I think they are easy to set up . . . and we have duct tape. Oh, I guess we should have purchased electrical tape. That was a joke. But if it weren’t, I’m sure we could find some in the drawer of the old Hoosier cabinet where buttons and screws from decades and decades ago reside.

The website (official) I used to apply for Mother’s converter boxes is HERE.

One thought on “TV converter box coupons for Mother”

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