Motivation to do something

I am a slug; I could ask myself how much I can learn about alternate heating methods before 8:45 tomorrow morning, but I will come around to telling myself I will learn more if I go into it “cold” – hahahahahahahhahahahaha. I will miss what they are telling me because I am so intent on affirming what I think I already know – hahhhhhaaaaahahaahaaa. I’m a quick study – more hahaha-ing. And so forth.

This is not working; I thought I could reverse psychology myself into wanting to research the topic. Sort of a STAND BACK FOLKS AND WATCH THE AMAZING AMOEBA ABSORB perform. I’d have a cape and maybe a letter on the chest of my suit. But it’s not working.

I don’t want to do this – period. Well, actually, I will like it when I’m there – climbing over construction and talking to the high school workers. Ah, what should I wear so I don’t look like a dumpy old grandma? See, my mind isn’t on the subject.

My L.L.Bean boots, jeans, my adapted camper/hiker safari Banana Republic vest for my gear . . . and my barn coat? Oh, what shirt? Red is my best color, but how about the burnt orange/blue plaid one?

This is ridiculous; have I caught myself trying to re-invent said self? Lot of question marks here; that’s because I want to have a party and everyone here is either sick or gloomy; I could watch Atonement again – that would dampen my SNL mood. Oh, yes, let’s all make our way through this non-linear plot only to hear Vanessa Redgrave announce a sort of never mind.

Okay, geo-thermal heating – maybe I will google you.

3 thoughts on “Motivation to do something”

  1. Share your discoveries so I don’t have to work and find information myself. So much easier to learn from another’s hard work. *grin*

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