Ah, sitemaps

No, wait, that should not be “Ah” at all; it should be “Auuuuggggghhhhh”. I decided that I’d fool around with my template and have a sitemap. Well, I did, and in doing so I discovered that one had been included in the theme I had chosen from WordPress. Okay, that is good. I thought I’ll submit this to Google search and I then came to think it may have already automatically have been submitted by my host because Google webmaster tools said one was submitted but had errors. Oh, so I made a sitemap with their generator and submitted that one which was accepted. I think I have goofed things up royally. Cripe. What a mess.

One thought on “Ah, sitemaps”

  1. But your site map worked. I clicked, it guided, I am here. 🙂 You have success.

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