Eat less, live longer

I was watching a show a couple of nights ago; I don’t remember what it was, because I wasn’t really watching. The TV was on. Now, I think it was this show that had a segment about a French caver lost in a maze of caves and the things his brain automatically did to allow him to survive. Probably, I realize now, this was something on the Discovery Channel . . . the phrase “human limits” is tickling my memory.

It doesn’t matter where I heard it, and actually I am now worrying that I can’t remember what my primary activity was when the show was on. Rats, another senior moment. I’m been typing aimlessly here – although I tried to get you to assume there was a purpose – because I have delaying facing the dilemma of my lament about life being short and my overweight status. This comes right after I blogged about actually living better and actually losing ten pounds as well.