About the pioneer woman – once again

Yes, I know I didn’t intend to mention her blog anymore, but now that she is remodelling “the lodge”, I am intrigued. Is the Drummond family doing this, or just Pioneer Woman and Marlboro Man? and quite frankly, I think it looks pretty nice as it. She says this is where she Marboro Man lived when they were dating and then they moved to another house and are using the lodge building for guests and family. Okay, that’s a pretty nice guest house, so her place must be super special. She writes that she is going to blog about the whole renovation and even let readers help choose colors, tiles, etc. Okay, why?

Is cattle ranching as profitable as it was? Granted, it is lots of physical work; I mean Marlboro Man and his brother Tim don’t seem to be sitting in front of a fire or touring Europe while this ranch work is done. I’m wondering if the Drummonds are going to diversify their ranching venture into a tourist market Maybe the blog and the pictures for sale and calendars are the first steps in this endeavor. If so, that’s fine because it gives me a chance to look in on ranch life when I don’t have the money to do so first-hand and I don’t know anyone who lives on a cattle ranch. It’s a winning thing for me.

I do enjoy looking at all the pictures Pioneer Woman has on Flickr and getting a glimpse of Oklahoma nature – down to prairie flowers and bugs and on up to cows and horses and cowboys and cowgirls.

One thought on “About the pioneer woman – once again”

  1. I did grow up on a working cattle ranch…, is it profitable? Not for the average family. It makes enough to get by and feed your family but not live a lavish lifestyle. That’s what most folks want out of it. Of course my dad didn’t have hired men… he had children. 🙂 Most ranchers are land rich, money poor. Now the Drummonds, I’m sure selling that chunk of land for $20 million helps keep their head above water just fine. I can’t say her blogging is not accurate about ranch life but it is not the get in the dirt and get dirty life. She has a way of making it seem glamorous. Believe me, checking cows at 1 am for calving in 2 degree weather is not glamorous…. nor having a calf with scours in your truck on the way to the vet, or being drug across the yard by your 4-H steer… but it was a great way to grow up. I miss it at times. 🙂

    I’m all for watching the renovations of the Lodge…. just as long as she doesn’t go with that ugly subway tile for the bathroom….. gag.

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