What is it about the Pioneer Woman – Ree Smith Drummond?

I think it is more than her intelligence, more than her ability to take and present beautiful photographs, more than her ability to tell a story – her story – well. I think a lot of people would like to be Pioneer Woman, or if not exactly her, to be someone living on that modern-day, yet turn-of-the-century ranch, in Oklahoma. A clean innocence of the prairie, the cold of winter and the heat of summer, the power of the land and the mystique of the American West.

A physician for a father, an upscale childhood, a USC degree, a spin in the world of business and tall buildings and a boyfriend with a house by the Pacific. Then later: four healthy children, scions of one of the most prominent ranching families.

It would be a good fantasy to escape into, and every morning, you can click on her website and be there . . . and carry the essense of it through your day.