Today’s Collaboration Wednesday 30 Minute Delay ( remarks on this issue* here and here) has me sitting here with a little smirk on my face . . . It is Spring Bring. Mwahahahahahahahah.
*To be honest, I don’t think the school system considers my consternation with this practice an issue. They are, I believe, totally unaware of my opinion . . . because I have exercised outstanding self-control and not purchased a tank and driven it into the school building.
Actually, I did have a hard time this morning; I got up to take Alison to work, came back and did some email checking and then thought I felt crummy and lay down with a blanket over my head. Maybe it was knowing it was Collaboration Wednesday, or maybe I need to get in shape because the attic to dumpster maneuver yesterday took more of a toll on me than it would have 30 years ago. I well know that the aging in those 30 years has something to do with it, but I find comfort in focusing on the fitness part of the equation. At least, I can work a little on that. As for the age aspect, it is already almost a minute later – Darn, the aging genie is determined!
On top of it all, I have a doctor’s appointment in Fort Wayne today, so I am going to have to whip myself in shape. The thing that makes it doable is that GoodWill is across the street. But, I am not going to buy any more potential dumpster fodder; I am just going to look for the fun of it. I think the only thing I would spring for would be a nicely sized frame for my KEEP CALM and CARRY ON poster or the well-made expensive shorts that the sell for $3.50 instead of $50 or one of those little lampshades that clips on a light bulb or slight used Minnetonka moccasins in my size or . . . Maybe I should just pass it by this trip.
On the other hand, there might be a “refugee” waiting for me; the ones with the red yard hair, dontcha know. Oh, here is something you don’t want to know, but I feel as if truth serum courses through my veins: Sometimes I look for “brain dead” Knickerbockian red-yarned people to be organ donors. Yes, it’s true.

For The Great Poo, a compatriot for some 50 plus years, I once made a whole new body and head and hair and I used the original eyes and included the original “I Love You” heart. And Jake* too since his head was accidentally ripped off when he was four. Perhaps I have been watching too many of the Medical Incredible shows; I shouldn’t broadcast these things, but maybe out there is a Knickerbocker Redhead who has a friend who will be inspired to consider a radical operation and go for it.
* I can’t show Jake’s picture because he is in the Witness Protection Program or on the lamb, one of the two.