Once more into the fray . . . or whatever

It is documented right here on this WoeBeGone blog that I start a comeback, swear to keep it up and then fade away. This may or may not be the same.

I went down to Fountain County for Memorial Day grave flowering and while at my cousin’s, sat and looked at old, really old pictures. Pictures that are black and white on black thick cardboard; pictures that feature ladies in floor length dresses and men with beards and stiff collars. We looked at so many and then looked at each other and voiced this question: “Who are these people?” We didn’t know, could make some guesses, but that was it.

It later occurred to me that perhaps many other people whose families were in our area in the 1850’s on might also have boxes of unidentified photos. In fact, right this very year, someone in Indiana, somewhere from the Ohio River up to Central Indiana may be looking a copy of one of the pictures we viewed.  For instance, there is a picture of an older man with perhaps two daughters from Salem, Indiana. I believe copies were given to  other relatives. I think they may be of the Brewer/Cooley branch.

I’m going to start posting these orphan pictures just for the heck of it.