Turner Classic Movies reminders

I have to admit the thought of staring at the worm picture whenever I came to this blog was off-putting. So when I hopped over to Turner Classic Movies Schedule, and saw The Grapes of Wrath and Casablanca listed for this evening, I jumped at the idea of posting the color picture here:

(Oh, by the way, I did notice the “hopped” progressing to “jumped” in the above sentence, but just sighed.)

Now, getting back to TCM, you can go the the schedule site and see everything all lined up. In addition, you can clicke on a movie you might want to see and TCM will send you an email reminder. This is nice if you scroll into the next few days and find a classic you have wanted to re-visit. I always think, Oh, I’ll remember that . . . and then I never do.

Well, let’s hope Henry Fonda and Humphrey Bogart moved the worms down. I mean, Here’s looking at you, Worm just doesn’t have the nostalgic romance of that rain-swept runway in Africa.

Got worms?

It used to be, on days when the weather was uncertain, that it was fascinating to watch Weather in Motion on The Weather Channel website. I noticed that once things started to “move” on the site, videos began showing up of weather events that were occurring or had just occurred.

Then the video parameters enlarged – at least that’s the way I see it. I considered some of the topics to be only peripherally relating to wind, rain, sleet, snow, etc. For the past two of three days, I have checked the weather and found this picture staring back at me:

It’s about vacations and hotel pools, and I’m guessing you could start to wonder about any concrete pool – if you tended to be a worrywart. I don’t know but it’s possible the picture of the worms (parasites – think Monsters Inside Me) could make swimming with sharks seem less foolhardy.