The phone chat problem at 3:45 am Iowa Time

Der Bingle flew out to California this morning on a 6 am flight. And at 4:45 am, he sent me a text that he was sitting at the airport thinking about the sleeping/snoring others. This didn’t wake me up because about one minute earlier, I had awakened from a nightmare, calling out his name. I’m not aware of this happening before. When I heard the text tone, I was terrified my psychic tendency had anticipated a bad news notification.

No, it was the text I mentioned earlier. I texted back about my nightmare and then another text came in. It read:

Cut me out of this loop so I can sleep.

Oh, yeah, that’s right; the evening before Der Bingle and I had been in a three way chat with LZP.  As I sometimes do, Der Bingle forgot to switch back to the two way chat and at 3:45 in the dark, cold hours of an Iowa morning, LZP had been startled by whatever text tone he has, hopefully not a klaxon sound.

So, from those of us who were in the Eastern Time Zone this morning: SORRY.

Of course, of the three of us, one of us is now in San Diego – Carlsbad by the Sea. So LZP, I suppose Der Bingle should text you: REALLY, REALLY SORRY.

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