Yes, we watched the Inauguration of Donald Trump and listened to all the opinions about this and that and his speech, which I will admit, took me somewhat aback. I remembered that I always liked and respected Bob Schieffer a great deal. I rolled my eyes at some of the commentators. I thought I should be doing something, but didn’t persuade myself.
Then I got a text from Der Bingle, who told me to look at The Drudge Report, second item from the bottom of the second column. I clicked on the link and found myself so amazed by the first paragraph, he had to nudge me to read the last one.
The roadkill in Wisconsin got our leaning cow standing straight up; she is not contented to be in Indiana. So . . . we ordered some Gummy Worms and I’ll probably be at the trough as well. Kind of envy the four stomachs when this stuff is involved.