Just a few years back, TV ads and magazine pages showed cows in pastures sharing their thoughts about the Contented Cow Contestants. What happened? I miss those clever little, and maybe snide, moo-ings of the pasture?
Whoa, this isn’t one of the commercials but it sort of fits in with the Iowa Caucus time period and primaries to come:
But back to the Contented Cow Contest. I can find nothing right off the bat as I search the Internet. Certainly, it can’t be revisionist history at work. I continue to look . . .
OKAY, here we go. It started out as the happy cows in California and promoted cheese. This one is from (gasp) 12 years ago. I particularly like the “she’s been tipped one time too many” line.
I may have a version of that put on my tombstone.