Zee mystery box

No, I did not forget about the Mystery Box from LZP; I just kept forgetting to forward my iphone pictures to the ipad or my mac. Finally, I did.

The box:

lon package

Der Bingle opening the box – note, this picture and the one above taken from a distance with the lens zoomed.

attack on box

The mother lode, found under some other things I need to take pictures of. I forgot at the time because I was too busy hugging my new bubble light night light. I do not have a picture of it yet because I wanted to do so in the dark, and it has been slipping my mind. Soon though.


Some of these Peeps are mystery-flavored. I don’t know how many are left by now, but I’m guessing a lot of mysteries have been solved. Of course, I’m sure at least one box was put up for “aging.”

And, finally, Der Bingle at the Mongolian Grill. He then took a picture of me but I think it makes my face look really long, and it’s my blog.

at the mg