Were it years ago

I’m sitting here in the room with the big oak table, thinking that it is lunch time. I’m eating peanut butter; years ago I would have been sitting down to a big Mother meal. That is an excellent example of things that I have taken for granted.

Ironically, I am surroundd by cookbooks and  cards with recipes on them. Always in my mind has there been the thought, “All that work and then it’s going to br EATEN??!!?”

Mother always enjoyed having people happily EATING; I have trouble understanding that. To me it seems more like “The dog ATE my homework!” Somuch for gentics.. However, now that I think about, it really did taste good. Even a chunk of her meatloaf, not to mention the fancy desserts.

I guess now I’m getting my just desserts. This is a case where puns hit too close to home. I’d better distract myself before I desperately seek out a grocery and Twinkies.