Well, okie dokie, I’m up here in the smells like skunk house, taking full advantage of the powers of Yankee Candle’s Autumn Lodge. I’m aso going around with a can of air neutralizer. At least it’s not like when Little Ann got skunked and we had to spend half the night with her and dishwashing liquid, tomato sauce and water in the bathtub.
Well, I’m hoping I won’t have to paint the walls with a tomato product. Sigh.
Der Bingle hopes to get back from San Diego today; he started out yesterday morning long before dawn. Engine problems on two planes and he spent the night at the Denver Marriott. He was in Chicago around one this afternoon.Blue Icebat went with him and I think he will wait awhile before taking another trip.
This seems like a good time to settle in with a book; I hear no dissenting votes. Soooo