I was almost certain trash pick-up would be delayed by at least a day during this period of snow, more than usual cold, and more snow. I wasn’t 100% absolutely sure, though. Our trash is picked up Thursday morning – sometimes very early, so we need to have it out there Wednesday night.
Yesterday, I started thinking, “Tomorrow is Wednesday night . . .” By this morning, it had become a chant in my head. Closings and Delays are plastered everywhere; looking for a off-beat one is iffy. However, today, on the trash website, although the company does not call it The Trash Website, a schedule was posted. YES! I am correct in thinking there will be a delay of a day.
Now, of course, I must keep reminding myself the trash had better be out Thursday night. Gee, it’s not our routine; I might forget. This sounds really familiar and I believe I have posted about this worry before. It’s one of those things in life that isn’t a one time deal; you do it one week and then, BAM, they expect you to do it again. I have not considered it this way before, but I suppose taking out the trash is performance art and the show must go on.