I have been reading a lot lately, not necessarily good books, but ones that are not bad, if you invoke the “let’s pretend this could happen” rule so often used in movies. The last book involved very rich people, famous paintings, a quaint hotel in Amsterdam and a Ukrainian Genie in a Bottle (my interpretation). The foreward to the next book I have just begun ends with a reference to one of the characters being based on a lady of great intelligence and beauty. Of course. I am not complaining; really, I’m not. I guess I’m just bracing myself for it.
(I find it ironic that the spell checker insists I am misspelling foreward. The little dictionary on my macbook dashboard says it does not exist.)
Firmly convinced that “spell checkers” were developed by people for whom English was not their native language. Just like MicroSoft’s coup to overthrow normal English spellings in favor of things more amenable to “rules” that could be coded. That is what happens when your software is written in Bangalore by the low bidder.
Sort of like “autocorrect” and the fiendishly stupid grammar checker in Word