I walked into a chair with my bare foot, hitting the fourth toe really hard. Then I hopped around for some time, making noises of distress. For two days now I have been wearing my Emus (uggs) because they are big and flat and if I walk with my foot perfectly flat, it doesn’t hurt too much. Actually, I think I avoided breaking a toe (again) because putting pressure on my heel, causing the tendons to tug, does not cause immediate bad pain. I’ve been that route before and I can tell you, it ain’t fun.
My main concern now is not dropping anything on my foot, which I almost did today. And I do tend to yell when someone gets close to me, “Don’t step on my foot!!!”
I know this is boring, petty information, but the toe thing had consequences. I figured I’d sit by the fire and watch an old VHS movie I’d found – Brainwaves. It was about transplanting brain processes and Tony Curtis was the evil-looking doctor, although it took me a long time to realize it. His main scenes focused on his eyebrows doing a sinister slant toward his nose and his mouth frowning. Either he was desperate for money or he took the role as a joke.
Now I’ve thought about Dana Andrews moving from films such as Laura and The Best Years of Our Lives to the one about the mad scientist who tried to shoot a rocket into the earth. Kind of a bummer of a thought.
Oh, the dreaded stubbed toe, it is a pain in so many ways. A year ago !!! I stubbed my big toe pretty badly. A week ago the nail finally came off! I have had pain with that toe for a year. I now have half a nail, but no pain. Good luck and continue to protect it. At least it’s above freezing today.