Golf and me

Coming back from Albion on Drake Road, I pass two golf courses: Cobblestone and the Kendallville Golf Club.

My parents were avid golfers and they bought me clubs and I even had lessons. I do not like golf, as the game is played – hit the ball, walk to the ball, hit it again, walk to it, hit it again . . . and on and on depending on how good you are.

I could stand for a long time at a driving range – hit, hit, hit, hit, hit. All that hitting would be called practice. I do practicing well. Years with a saxophone hanging around my neck and variations on scales would testify to it.

But to do it like golf would be like practicing a measure by playing a note, walking around and playing the second and so on, depending upon whether they are whole or half of 32nd notes. Of course, there is the possibility of a rest but the when and length are dictated.

This is a game where the fewer times you have to show skill, the better you score. I don’t have that type of an outlook. Let’s say I was somewhere on the fairway, heading for the green with an iron. Now, real golfers are like snipers. They steady themselves, they gauge, they steady, they wait for the right wind, they steady, they breathe a certain way, they steady and eventually they hit that one shot. If that shot is bad, they have to suck it up and bury their frustration and proceed to the next possible debacle.

I prefer another method; I want to approach the green with my six-gun a-shootin’ and my Winchester a-whirlin’. Yes, John Wayne style. I want to hit that green like a Marine on Iwo Jima and plant the hole flag where . . .  well, never mind, but “hole” would probably fit in the description.

Obviously, I do not have the personality for this game I do not like. So I guess it works out in the end. Besides, how can you strive in a game where the goal is to be a sub-par player?



3 thoughts on “Golf and me”

  1. My Mom was an avid golfer. She tried to get me to enjoy the game. Never worked. We either got up at the crack of dawn so we could play “early”. Or we were on the course in the middle of the afternoon when it was hot as an oven so we could “play a round before Dad got home”. So I associate golf with lack of sleep and lots of heat. I am a decent putter though.
    I also don’t understand all that golf on TV. Boring. What kind of athlete cant handle the announcers talking above a whisper?

  2. Yes, come to think of it, there are no peanut vendors, no fans with faces painted, no heckling. Have you ever seen a wave in a golf gallery? Maybe it’s because the fans stand so close and the players have clubs. But, hey, is this America or what?

  3. We went to the Shell Houston open one year and my daughter and I were shushed many a time because we kept giggling about how people really do “golf claps” and nobody…. I mean NOBODY speaks above a whisper. It about sent me into hysterics.

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