I have been remiss

I have not posted an update on Sydney. I should have but even now I am finding myself confused as to what to say. He seems to be very tired and yesterday he didn’t want to eat until Shane sniffed his food. Today, though, he wolfed down his 2 o’clock meal. But now, I am not so sure that he isn’t hunching his back a little as he walks.

He’s 14.

He was the last person – furry and non-furry – to whom my father spoke  coherently before he died. He came out to see Mother when she was diagnosed with advanced cancer and she smiles and asked, “So, you came out to see me, Sydney?”

Quentin and I got him when he was six months old. That was a long time ago. I am beginning to think it was a lifetime ago.

My intuition tells me I’m being too downbeat.


One thought on “I have been remiss”

  1. It’s just as hard to watch our animal friends age as our human friends. In fact I think it may be harder sometimes because we feel so helpless. We lost both our beloved dogs within the last two years. One was 19 and the other 15. Good lives for both of them.

    Here’s hoping you are being way too pessimistic and Sydney is feeling chipper and out running at the fairgrounds soon.

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