My Inane Period

There are times when I just don’t ponder serious thoughts; oh, I deal with them when they come up but I don’t get philosophical. My moment to moment thinking that does not involve functioning at a certain level turns to the silly. That should be capitalized: The Silly or the The Big Silly.

I’d say I am definitely in The Big Silly.

Outsiders are likely to consider this my inane period; I like silly better. Silly is foolish and frivolous and festive, but inane has a connotation of stupid to it. Truthfully, I believe inane can come naturally but silly takes talent.

I think I have the gift of silly. And now I am going to go giggle.

It was right in front of my face

A weapon against the dandelions? Thank you Starship Troopers . . . the vision of giant bugs attacking small humans came just after I had witnessed the appalling vision of a new Shane hole.  If he is going to dig, let it be yellow things. I am considering training him with little bits of yellow ribbon sitting on the grass.

Oh, wait, I think this is a scorched earth policy; a cut off your nose to spite your face policy. I may have reached that point.

He’s doing it again

Shane went outside and dug a new hole. I took him back out and we walked up to it and he looked in it – I think because he did not want to look at me – and I stared at him. Then I told him all the bad dog stuff in a stern voice and he kept staring into the hole.

Tomorrow we will put more dirt in it and see what the next act brings. I anticipate sighing.

The Peep spy is missing along with his cage, so that means he had an accomplice. Has a gnome been afoot?

It could be the clouds, but

Maybe I am getting weather-obsessed; I am tired of cloudy days and would like some sunshine and warmish temperatures. Again, today, April Third, we have neither and it has come about that I am actually watching “Starship Troopers”. I had no idea it was about BUGS. It might be like THEM but the cast is mainly a bunch of young troopers and no old crusty sheriffs.

I just heard the line, “Bugs don’t take prisoners.”


I just looked up Starship Troopers. How could I have remained so uneducated? I seriously thought it was something like a cheap Star Wars thing.



This morning I pushed on my watch knob to activate the Indiglo feature and saw it was 7:30. It seems dark but I figured it was about to storm and thought, “Well, shoot, a dark rainy day and I’m feeling like getting out – all rested up.” Then I saw the clock – 3:18. I checked another one.

Yes, it was the middle of the night and I decided I had inadvertently moved the hands on the watch while getting the face to light up. Great. My mind is at 7:30 and it’s four hours + away.

So I lay back down, dreamed and tossed and turned and then Sydney barked at me and I knew it was morning for real. I shouldn’t have been fooled last night – with two Australian Shepherds in the house, it ain’t morning ’til the fur balls bark.