It should be about sundown

And I worked today. I cleaned. I do not like housework but when there is a dramatic change, I dislike it less. I scrubbed bathrooms! Yes, I did. This honest-to-goodness AmeliaJakc got down on her hands and knees and did toilets. And mirrors. I vacuumed . . . after finding the floor. I did laundry. I vacuumed the stairs! I cleaned counters! Oh, I am such a heroine.

And then I showered and am sitting here all self-righteous and clean.

Now what?

Well, there is a lot more cleaning to do. Ack! I feel myself deflating . . .  I must devise a way to motivate others to clean, to want to clean, to need to clean. Oh, this is so horrible, but what about calling an OCD clinic and inquiring about neat freaks?

Rose is sending me to time out.

3 thoughts on “It should be about sundown”

  1. Yes! Yes! Yes! I am with you all the way why shouldn’t we take advantage of their OCD it seems like a win-win to me. I’m just sayin’ … oh shoot… Now I’m in the time out with you.
    One of my favorite sayings ” A clean house is the sign of a misspent life” hung as an embroidery in my kitchen for years.

  2. My mother had several such sayings around the house.
    I once read a true account of a lady who made her family live in the basement and only come upstairs to sleep.

  3. Hmm, seems a little over the edge, but just a little. When my boys were small I would start at one end of the house cleaning and by the time I was finished, the first room was filled with boy paraphernalia (shoes, dirty socks, matchbox cars, those darn Legos). I could actually hear them say, very quietly, but with commitment “Clean room,
    clean room”.

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