
While I am here and before I wander over to play a game . . . yes I know I said I had that out of my system, but fate had other ideas.  Actually, while I am here and before I chicken out, I am going to tell you I will be posting about the preparation for and participation in a colonoscopy. You’re thrilled, right? Well, neither am I.

I wnt in on Friday for the introductory appointment. The doctor and his nurses are very nice. He’s from the Upper Peninsula of Michigan and plays the piano, the keys of which he probably enjoys tickling more than . . . well, I’ll let it go at that.

I am told the procedure is not a problem because you have a type of sedation where you are aware what is going on but you remember nothing. I asked the nurse if they had ever had some patient not remember the fact that he/she yelled, “Heck, no, get me off of this table.” I am afraid of making a fool of myself, but then, I do believe it would be more foolish not to have it done. Easy talk when the actual appointment time hasn’t even been set yet.

I do have to not eat and drink this unpleasant liquid. I suspect I will be aware of and remember that. I do get to eat all the jell-o I want.

I wonder if for the sake of complete coverage, I should have a little tape recorder running during the part I won’t remember. I will probably spend the day prior convincing myself I am the essence of John Wayne: Little lady, you just go ahead and shove that up  . . .

Oh, I wonder if I will walk like John Wayne after. Now, that’s TWO worries.

4 thoughts on “Colonoscopy”

  1. Okay, now this is something I know about. I am a colon cancer survivor (14 years). I have had so many colonoscopies I have lost count. Here is the good thing, you won’t remember anything at all. It is easier than a mammogram and really less embarrassing, I promise. I wouldn’t record it though, I have a nurse friend that had hers done without sedation because she didn’t want her coworkers to hear any of her secrets. A sense of humor helps.
    Here is the unpleasant part. The prep is no fun, but it is only a day out of your life and you can do anything for a day, right? Be sure you stay hydrated through the whole thing, this is very important for the next day. You are going to loose a lot of um fluids during the prep. Follow all the instructions exactly as given to you. Stay close and I mean close to your bathroom after you start the final prep. Don’t drink your first bit and go for a walk or think you can get to the store and back, bad idea. Have things to do in the bathroom, you will be in there for a while. Oh yeah, make sure the prep liquid is very cold it helps some. Make sure someone goes with you to take you home. You can’t drive no matter what you may think at the time (actually I don’t think they will release you without someone to drive you).
    You will be able to eat as soon as you leave, you should be hungry. You might not remember eating later in the day, but that’s okay, eat again. You will probably sleep most of the day, but everyone is different in that regard.
    Good luck, have fun, I can’t wait to read your account.:)

  2. I’m just the ornery one that plays with my husband’s mind after he’s had his yearly colonoscopy done. I can convince him he’s said and done all sorts of embarrassing things and even though I do this every year he falls for every time. Makes the day pass easier for me. If you’d like I can email some of my most effective things to Summer, she’d be sure to appreciate them….. 😉

    Actually my sympathy as the prep day is the worst the actual day not so bad…. something I have to do next month so I won’t be mocking you …. much.

  3. When my husband had his a few years ago, we came home and I made him a complete breakfast, eggs, toast and potatoes. The next day he insisted I hadn’t fed him at all!! He still doesn’t remember and no amount of persuasion will convince him.
    I don’t remember going out to breakfast after one a few years ago, but I trust his word that he fed me. Wait, you don’t think he saved a few bucks do you? Hmm.

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