So, what about today?

This is a straight forward question. Doesn’t take a rocket scientist to answer it: Have to get mowers going, here and at Mother’s. But I am taking grandkids and they bicker and get hungry and I’m sure there are other treats waiting for me. We need to take the mower with the bent blade from here up to Mother’s so I can take it over to the Amish repairman; we need to mow the lawn up there; we need to bring back a mower to mow down here. Maybe I’ll bring back the little electric since I know I want the thrill of running over the cord. Oh, yeah.

To go, we need ice, soda, snacks, the dog, dog eats and dog snacks and I must not forget the bag of keys. Oh, rats, I just remembered the fiasco of the needs-to be-repaired-ramp . . . that would be the one that is related to the split two by four. And don’t forget, Summer wants to wear the motorcycle helmet while she rides the mower.

It looks like none of the crew here at the cafe & roadhouse is eager to help. Spikey just looked at me and mumbled, “Party last night – go away.” I wasn’t invited . . . so I am showing you Spikey with her bed hair.

Well, seeya, I’ve got to go out there and carpe diem.