This morning, oh about and hour and a half ago, I stepped out in the vestibule and grabbed a Diet Coke and a Coke and thought they felt pretty damn cold. Well, I just looked at the weather and it is 17 degrees, but feels like five. I suppose somewhere the sodas are not herded together and a couple have frozen. Ha! Teach them to be stragglers. I’m being cruel; they have no legs and can’t voluntarily hover together. They can’t yell for me to do something. They just . . . feel their insides chilling and then swelling and then POP – it is an out of can experience.
Ack, I almost forgot. LZP called yesterday and passed on the word that he had broken his right arm – the tip of a bone by the elbow and I’ll be more accurate when I know more. He has a stick shift so Sam will have to be driving him. I forgot to ask Der Bingle is his arm is stabilized in a bent position or is sticking straight out.
Morning is coming in the faintest, grayest way it can. Yesterday we saw the sun for a few moments and I remarked how the sunlight just lifts your spirits physically and then it went away and I went and watched railroad journeys of Switzerland and the US. Cameron started looking up AMTRAK schedules. He’s thinking cross-country and I’m thinking we need to take practice trips first – like two hours into Chicago on the LakeShore. Oh, the train going east follows the Great Lakes . . . but it only runs at night. RATS.
We have a blizzard of clutter here and bags of scooped up Mother papers to go through and lawyers to see and “zee probate” – yes, I will feel like a drunken Frenchie by the time we get through it all.
I need a deviled egg.